I have been as small as a size 4 and as big as I am now a size 18. I have more confidence at this size than I ever had when I was much smaller. A lot has to do with life experience and the man I am with now. With that being said, I can say that I was still nervous about doing a Boudoir Shoot. It is not easy to allow yourself to show that kind of vulnerability to another person. For some, it may be easy but for most, it is not. I can honestly say that by doing this shoot my confidence in myself has increased.

Several months ago I decided that I wanted to do a boudoir shoot as a gift for my man. I wasn’t sure for what occasion that I wanted to give it to him for, but just that I wanted to do this for him. I have never even fathomed the idea for any of the men I have been with before.

The more research that I did, I found that this could really be a great self-confidence booster for myself. To prepare myself for this experience I started looking at different types of outfits. I tried to think about what my man would like to see, and what I wanted my images to look like for myself. I thought about his favorite sports team—did I want to wear a jersey or something else to represent his team. How we met—if I could incorporate that into the images, and what most men, in general, want to see when looking at these types of pictures.

I ended up buying several different outfits during this process. As I got the outfits I tried them on and tried to decide what accessories I would want to wear with each one. Kristen helped a lot with this part. I would send her pictures of the outfits to get her opinion on them, not to mention her advice and resources for posing and what to expect.

I did this several times before the day of the shoot. I ended up taking double the amount of outfits that I needed for the shoot because I wanted an extra outfit in case I changed my mind. It was a good thing that I did as I did end up changing my mind on what I wanted to wear at the last minute. However, I now have an outfit to wear for when I give him the pictures, which I decided would be a great birthday gift.

My nervousness increased the closer the time got to my shoot. The morning of I was super nervous. When I arrived for my shoot the girls were very friendly and talkative. Before I knew it, I was comfortable and felt like I was hanging out with a longtime friend.

The shoot was fun and I felt beautiful the whole time not to mention when I left. I have not given my gift to my man yet but I cannot wait for his reaction. After viewing my pictures I was amazed at how I looked. I love them and I hope he does too. If you’re on the fence about doing this don’t think about it and book your session. You will NOT regret the experience or the outcome.