As a mother of two and a law enforcement wife I do not get much time for me. I have been in a rut for the last 5 years because of my weight and just not having any time to do anything about it. I have also struggled in the past with high anxiety and depression at times.
I was scrolling one day and ran upon Kristen’s Facebook page. I thought to myself I would love to do this one day if I ever lost weight. So several months past and I just could not get this off my mind thinking wonder what it’s like? What would the pictures look like? Last year I bit the bullet and made the appointment months in advance thinking I would be able to lose the weight.
I never lost the weight and picture day was here. I was a ball of nerves pulling into the studio. Even contemplated leaving and just not doing it. Once I met Kristen I was instantly over it. I had the best day and the worries of weight and imperfect skin just diminished. TV and social media focus on the perfect size woman and we think we have to measure up to that.
I have learned since having my photos done that it’s ok to be madly in love with yourself just the way you are. I felt like a bad ass, strong woman since having them done.
I have confidence now I have never had. I want to show everyone my pictures and I usually do not like pictures of myself at any angle.
I left the studio the day of my picture reveal in tears (happy tears I might add). I cried all the way home that day and swore to myself I would never go back in that rut I was in.
I felt that day I could look back on these pictures when I was 80 and be able to say WOW! I looked good then. I would say to any woman of any age that has even the thought of doing a boudoir shoot to not even second guess yourself. DO IT! I will be coming back for a second round with Kristen on my 40th birthday.