This was for me and on my Bucket List. I always felt like the ugly duckling in that I never have seen myself as beautiful or confident. I had a few bad relationships that did not help my feelings of not being good enough. A few years ago I got very very sick and did not think I would see the end of the year but I survived and surpassed the life expectancy and I am stable so every day I get is a blessing.
I had stalked Kristen’s page for some time before messaging her. I saw all these beautiful women on her page and wanted to see myself like that. But when I did it, I was like, “ok what do I do now?” And thought about backing out several times. Kristen helped me find pictures of cute lingerie, sent pictures and talked to me when I needed it.
Everything I would put on I hated on me I was so scared I would look awful in this stuff. At 20 everything looks good on you I thought at 50 who was I kidding.
But I have changed how I see myself now after doing the boudoir pictures. Seeing myself like that was such an awesome feeling! My boyfriend kept telling me I needed to do this to see myself as he saw me.
I have so much more confidence in myself so I am dressing up more not just slouching all the time. Just feel happy to be in my own skin.
Kristen made this such a fun experience and made me so comfortable. Even if I could not walk in the heels I bought lol. She is so good at doing what she does from posing to the pictures. I sure did not know how to pose to make myself look sexy. I researched a lot of places and she just really seemed interested in everyone she did pictures with and they were all special to her. Her talent is beyond measure.

Hair & Makeup by Declan+Mae