I hear it all the time, “I’m so nervous about the session. I’m terrified that I’m going to look awkward. I have no idea how to pose. Let alone pose sexy.”
This was Miss W. She was a little worried and nervous about posing and looking awkward. But I told her just let I tell everyone of the gorgeous ladies I get to work with. When it comes to posing I will literally tell you where to place everything.
Never will you hear me say, “Okay go over to the bed, lay down and do a sexy pose.” That would be crazy!
Instead it’s more like lay down on your stomach with your feet here and your hands here. Now cross the right foot over left, bring your chin towards me, close your eyes…and just goes on and on until I have you in the perfect position.
Posing is all on me. That’s my job to make sure that you’re positioned in the most flattering way showing off all your best assets.
And as you can see there was definitely no awkward posing going on with Miss W. She looked like a total babe and had absolutely nothing to worry about.