Miss T

“I decided to do the session because I’m disgusted by society’s standard for “beauty.”  You do not have to weigh 100 lbs, have perfect skin and hair, or fit the mold of a plastic Barbie to be beautiful! Real women have curves.  We have stretch marks. We all have a past or history that our body tells.

I’m proud of my past and of my story! I choose to embrace every “flaw” I have.  I choose to love ME, regardless of what anyone else thinks!

And I knew Kristen was the photographer for me when I saw her post two pics: The first, with good posture. A quiet, stunning, yet simple photo.
The second in the same spot but playing with her hands on her belly jiggle, while bursting into laughter.

At that moment, I knew she was the photographer for me. Lol.  Kristen and I have the same ” mom belly,” and neither one of us are ashamed by it! (Want to know what she’s talking about join the group here.)

So, if you’re thinking about doing a session just do it. Every. Single. Woman. Should. Do. This.”  -Miss T