There’s no time like the present. You’ve heard that saying probably a billion times. But it’s so true.
Many women contact me and say, I’ve thought about doing a session for years now, but I just never booked one. Most say that they wanted to wait to lose weight or wanted to wait until that got a little tan. But whatever the reason was that time just never came. Instead life happened and years went by.
Miss S was one of those women. She said that she had thought about doing a session for years. That she would wait until she was in the best shape of her life before she booked. But instead life got crazy. So, we stopped putting if off and booked her session.
In the end she said that if she could give any women out there some advice it would be, “Don’t worry about finding the right time or reason. The right time is now. If you’ve even slightly considered it, just jump in.”
So, let’s all take a little advice and lesson. Stop waiting for the perfect moment to come. The perfect moment is now.