Miss L


Miss L isn’t new to the photoshoot world. She’s actually done a few, but that didn’t mean she was any less nervous about her boudoir experience.

The thought of being photographed in your lingerie can be nerve-wrecking to say the least. But the good news is that it never last long. In fact Miss L said that afterwards she wanted to take more pictures.

I absolutely love getting the chance to chat with each of the women I get to photograph before the session. One it gives us a chance to get to know each other, but it’s where we really get to talk about what your goals are for the session. I didn’t get to chat with Miss L as much as I typically do as she was traveling, but none the less once session day came it felt like we already knew each other.

Miss L said that we she saw her images for the first time her first reaction was, “Wow is that me!” A lot of times we get busy life gets hectic and we lose sight of that sexy, confident women and one of the best parts about the session is letting you see that side again.

I’ll leave you guys with some awesome advice from Miss L. “If you’re thinking about having a boudoir experience, I would totally recommend it. It’s not as scary as you think, it actually is a great feeling to know that you can show a glamour sexy side..”

Makeup by Brie Beckman


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