“I would love to do a session, but I’d never look like the women on your site. I wish I could look that good.”
Those are the things that I hear all the time. But the truth is yes you can! The women on my website and facebook page are everyday women just like you and me. They were all nervous about the session and at some point second guessed themselves on rather or not they too could look at sexy and beautiful as the other women that I photographed.
Miss K herself had some of those same doubts. But she said that she took that jump anyway and just put all her trust and faith into me. Talk about being brave. I tell everyone the hardest part of doing a session is just booking it. The rest is all fun.
Miss K had a ton of confidence hidden inside her. She focused on making sure her outfits made her feel sexy. And she did a killer job on choosing things that really played up her best assets.
I think we call all learn a thing or two from Miss K. Just take that leap, jump right into it. You might just surprise yourself just like Miss K did.