Miss J


She walked out of the bathroom. Her hands behind her covering her butt and said, “Okay I’m in it, but I didn’t realize how much booty it showed.” We both giggled. And I said, “Then it’s going to be perfect!” I swear this outfit really made her come alive. Her inner confidence shined through.

When I first started chatting with Miss J she mentioned that she was in an awesome new relationship. Her new guy always tried to make sure that she knew just how beautiful she is. However, after having a little one and all the changes that come along she didn’t feel as confident and beautiful as she wanted.

So, Miss J took a leap and booked her session.

When she arrived at the studio we began to go through her outfits and make our final decisions. Going through them one outfit in particular stood out to me. A red piece. It looked nothing like any of the other items she brought in. A bit more daring, but I knew she would totally rock it. And she did.

Of course, Miss J brought in some other uh-mazing choices as well. Like her gorgeous floral kimono paired with pink bra and panty set. The floral pattern gave her an ultra girly feel and gave us something to play around with. She proves once again that lingerie isn’t always a must.

But if I had to pinpoint the exact moment that Miss J really found her sexy confidence it would have to be when she stepped out of the bathroom in the red lingerie set. So, let’s all take a little something away from Miss J. Wear something that’s a little daring. Something that will push you out of your comfort zone. Miss J did and she totally rocked it!

Wanna find out what kind of session you should you do? Check here!


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