Miss A


Today’s feature Miss A! A stunning, gorgeous woman, who had one super cool life story, a story that made me want to sit and chat all day. But I also couldn’t wait to get her in front of my camera. Her fiery red hair, killer wardrobe, and cool, sexy confidence made her super easy to photograph.

It’s finally session day. She feels as if she’s at the top of a roller coaster and about to drop 100 feet straight down. The nerves are there. But there’s also something else, she feels as if she should be walking with her chin held high and proud. She’s stepping outside her comfort zone. And that alone brought a smile to her face. 

Session day was coming to an end. And Miss A said, “I feel even more excited and much more confident.” 

A couple of weeks went by. And she picked up her album, I asked what surprised her the most about the session. Her answer not all that surprising, as I’ve heard it time and time again, she said, “My inhibition. It was so much easier than I thought it would be.” 

As you can see that inhibition didn’t last long. Feeling sexy and confident is a state of mind. Like riding a bike you never forgot how to do it, but sometimes you need that little extra push to remember how.  

A big thank you to Miss A for letting me share her images!

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Makeup by Brie Beckman



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