Me – After Pregnancy


I thought to myself, “I’m in the clear!” I even celebrated, but apparently my celebration came a little too early. Something different happened to my body after baby #2. And to top it all off it didn’t happen until the week or two before she decided to finally come into this world. It happened even though I tried my best to avoid it, I got the “badge of honor” as they call it, stretch marks.

Some days I look in the mirror and I can’t help but see these new marks all over my stomach. It’s like they have a voice of their own and they’re screaming “Look at me! Look at me!”

I get ready in the morning and everything seems to put my mommy pooch on blast. I get that I just had a baby 2 weeks ago, but that doesn’t change the fact that I just want to feel like my old self. I want to feel confident, sexy, and more than just mom. I stand in front of the mirror and focus on all the things I don’t like.

But this morning I told myself, “You do this for a living! It shouldn’t be like this.” And that’s when it hit me. We all do this for a living. We constantly focus on what we see as our flaws, we look in the mirror and wish we had a smaller waist, bigger boobs, less stretch marks, or a smaller belly. We compare ourselves to the women we see in magazines. We nitpick on all the things we wish we could change and we only focus on the negative.

 The setup: nursing bra and t-shirt, granny panties

The setup: nursing bra and t-shirt, granny panties

So, I did what I ask from every one of my boudoir clients, I let my guard down and big time. I threw on a maternity t-shirt, a nursing bra, and a pair of granny panties. And within 5 minutes I took a picture. I didn’t see the body I saw ten years ago. But it’s still my body and despite all the changes it’s gone through I can still feel good in it. And in fact I can feel sexy. Stretch marks, mommy pooch, fuller hips and all.

So, yes you’re a mom, yes your body went through some changes, but when you let your guard down you’ll find that you’re still sexy as hell.


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