Nothing compares to the boudoir shoot. My self-esteem was extremely low because of my marriage and subsequent divorce, and I needed to do something to boost my confidence back up.
I was nervous and a bit excited. I definitely had the thought that there was no way I could possibly look as gorgeous and sexy as the other women on her website. But I had always wanted to do a boudoir shoot and with my 40th birthday coming up I thought there was no better time to do it.
Making that first phone call was probably the scariest part, but Kristen was so sweet and fun she made me feel at ease immediately with just that initial phone call. Once I got to my shoot I was more nervous about the makeup part than I was about the lingerie because I don’t wear makeup. But Meghan was amazing as well and made me look absolutely gorgeous. It only took a couple of minutes for all my nerves to go away and have one of the best days of my life.
I am proud of myself for not canceling. I wanted to, and I definitely thought about it.
Since my shoot, I am not as critical of myself as I was before. And I cannot wait to book another session.
Kristen is amazing. I know many women say that and it is true for all of us. But there is no way I can ever express how she made me feel that day of my shoot…and when I went back a week later to see my photos I was crying. She made me look so beautiful and I have never felt so good about myself. This was one of the best decisions I have ever made, and I will definitely be going back as soon as I can.

Hair & Makeup by Declan+Mae