Miss C is up on the blog today and I can’t wait share! So let’s get into it.
When Miss C and I first started chatting her excitement and openness immediately made me energized. That’s not to say she didn’t have some nerves. But her openness and willing to just let loose allowed her to fully take on the boudoir experience. You can say she was pretty kickass!
Come session day, Miss C said, “I was extremely excited about the session. At first I was a little nervous about what I’d look like because of being on the plus size.”
And I get this a lot. I get emails and messages all the time from women who have been following me for a while, wishing they could be like the women that I post on my blog, website, or social media. They always say that they are nowhere near as sexy or confident or photogenic as my usual clients.
But the truth is, these women that I photograph aren’t models. They are women just like you. They’ve got crazy lives, children, emotions, and insecurities.
They don’t come into a session and throw their clothes off and say. “Ok! I’m ready to be naked! I know I’m hot and sexy. Let’s do this!”
Instead they come nervous, sweating, sometimes even shaking. They come in with outfits they can’t believe they are going to wear in daylight. They come in doubting their beauty, they come in thinking that they are going to be the first women that I’m not able to get a single good photo of.
And I prove them wrong. Every time.
And that’s no different with Miss C. We rocked her awesome curves and in the end she said that she gained so much more confidence.
Makeup by Brie Beckman