Miss R


I love working with clients like Miss R. 

She arrived at the studio, with a bag of lingerie, a nervous smile, and a brain working overtime on all the what-if questions. ”What if I don’t like these?” “What if everything I don’t love, is all that shows?” and the million other things. 

Even though Miss R’s shaking on the inside, thinking I can’t believe I’m doing this. She walked into the bathroom changed into her lingerie. Then walked out as if to say, I’m ready, I’m letting go, and I’m taking in this full experience. And she did! 

Afterwards she said, “I felt like I was on top of the world! I felt so comfortable in my own skin and was so proud of doing something out of my comfort zone.” 

During the session I couldn’t help but get excited. Her smile can light up a room, her gorgeous brown eyes could tell a story, and the sense of calmness you get when around her is something I wish I possessed more of. And I couldn’t wait to capture it all on camera for her to see.

A week later, she arrived at the studio, with a huge smile, and takes a deep breath. She’s about to see her images. But then she says, “I’m nervous about seeing them, but I gave myself a pep talk on the way here.” I patiently waited. Then she said, “I told myself it’s okay to have a double chin and it’s okay if I don’t look super small because I’m not.” 

I couldn’t wait to show her what everyone else sees a gorgeous, sweet, caring, sexy women! The video started to play. Then with excitement in her voice said, “HOLY CRAP I LOOK AWESOME!!!!!” 

This experience left Miss R with more than beautiful images. She said it gave her
“confidence, self-esteem, self-worth, ego boost, sense of accomplishment,..and the list goes on and on!”


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