Miss D

I hear women all the time say. I’m too old to do a boudoir session or I’d do it if I had someone to give the pictures too. But I call BS on it all.

Feeling sexy and confident about yourself doesn’t require you to be a certain age or have a certain relationship status.

It’s just like Miss D said, “Get out of your own head!” She too was scared that she was going to “look 40” As if turning forty is some kind of horrible thing. But I get it. You’re worried that you just might not be able to pull of that sexy vibe. You’re a little worried that maybe you just don’t have it any more.

Well, I’m here to say you most definitely still have it. MIss D herself is a total babe. She’s freakin’ gorgeous. And in fact I think she said it best, “I came out feeling sexy and empowered! And I think I stare at the pictures more than my hubby does!”

So if you’re thinking that you can’t do a session because you’re too old or that you don’t have anyone to give the pictures too, or whatever excuse you have just let it go. Do it! You won’t regret it.

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